Textile Mills Association (BTMA) is the national trade
organization of Primary Textile Industry i.e. Yarn Manufacturing,
Fabric Manufacturing and Dyeing-Printing-Finishing mills of the
country under private sector. BTMA is registered in 1983, among
others the following are the main objectives:
- To promote and protect the trade, commerce and manufacturers of Bangladesh in general and of the textile related trade in particular.
- To collect and circulate statistics and to collect, classify and circulate information relating to the trade, commerce and manufactures of its members.
- To take all steps which may be necessary for promoting, supporting or opposing legislative and other measures affecting the trade, commerce or manufactures of its members.
- To make representations to the appropriate authorities on any matter connected with the trade, commerce and manufactures of its members.
- To advance and promote commercial and technical education connected with the trade and commerce of its members.
- To undertake special inquiries and initiate or support any action for securing the redress of legitimate grievances connected with the trade or commerce of its members.
- To engage in such activities for imports, exports of raw materials, spares and finished products for the collective benefit of the members of the Association.
- To organize such factories and workshops for selling or display centers centrally which may be of common benefit for sections which might not be possible or feasible for individual members.
Association is run by a BOARD OF DIRECTORS of 27 members, headed by
one President and 3 Vice-Presidents, who are elected through
ballot/votes as per provisions of the Trade Organization Ordinance,
1961 and Rules made there under by the Government of Bangladesh. The
tenure of the Board of Directors is 2 years. The Association
has a separate Secretariat to look after all Administrative
activities and is headed by the Secretary General. He is assisted by
a numbers of officers in the discharge of his duties.
the number of Membership of BTMA is 1364 under:
- Yarn Manufacturing Member Mills = 383
- Fabric Manufacturer Member Mills = 743
- Dyeing-Printing-Finishing Member Mills = 238
4.00 billion EURO has been invested in these mills and about 4.00
million people are currently employed. BTMA fulfills:
- 100 % of the domestic fabric and yarn requirement.
- 50% of the cotton oven fabric requirement of export oriented garments sub-sector.
- Over 95% of the yarn and fabric requirement of export oriented knitwear sub-sector.